Income Restricted
Keewatin Apartments
201 East 2nd Avenue, Keewatin, MN 55753
Shared Spaces & Courtyard
One Bedroom Units (101 & 206)
Two Bedroom Unit (208)
Property Information
Address: 201 East 2nd Avenue, Keewatin, MN 55753
Phone: 218-547-3307
Bedrooms: 1 - 2
Bathrooms: 1 - 1
Keewatin Apartments is a 35-unit apartment community with 1- and 2-bedrooms units. Conveniently located near downtown Keewatin and minutes away from Hibbing. The O’Brien Reservoir recreation area is 2 miles west of town and offers a swimming beach, boat launch, picnic area and children’s play area. The Mesabi Trail runs alongside the reservoir as well.
Current Vacancies
1 Bedroom
Property Features
Additional Information
- Water, garbage & sewer included in rent.
- Rents based on 30% of income.
- Security deposit based on income.
Criminal and credit checks will be conducted by Rental Research Services, Inc., PO Box 5065, Hopkins, MN 55343; Phone 952-852-2060. We will acknowledge receipt of your application by mail. The determining factors for occupancy will be the completeness of your application, a favorable review of credit and landlord references, the criminal background investigation, income limitations and the availability of a unit that meets your needs. Each resident will be required to sign a one-year lease and pay a security deposit. The Tenant Selection Criteria is available upon request.